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Framing Memories With Custom Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are not only a testament to hours of dedication, but they can also be a cool piece of artwork to display special memories.

Framing Memories With Custom Jigsaw Puzzles

If you are having trouble finding a unique gift for a special person—something that would grace their living rooms and make them think of you every time they see it—consider assembling puzzles and then framing them. It can be just as fulfilling as taking, drawing, or painting a picture. Jigsaw puzzles are a classic activity for the whole family, and it's a fun way to bring someone together and create memories. Choosing the picture you want to assemble, its size, and shape can be frustrating not knowing what you need to do; but, whether it's a family photo or something picturesque, it all depends on who you want to give it to and its purpose. So consider these tips before choosing a picture and starting putting the pieces together.

Choose the Right Picture and Puzzle Type

The best part about custom jigsaw puzzles is that you can choose the picture you want to make. Whether it's a single photo, some interesting illustrations, or a photo collage, take the time to flick through catalogs or your own photo album and choose the right type for your puzzle. If you want to create a puzzle with a single photo, consider a colorful landscape featuring the family members on an unforgettable family vacation. If you want to use a collage then choose something that unites the photos for a more cohesive look. It's wise to consider the purpose of the custom puzzle because if you want to give it to someone as a gift you should consider their taste so that they can enjoy the finished product. You might choose to use page filters to choose the number of photos you would include, a specific piece count, and just the overall design color. For example, if you are gifting it for a special occasion, you can include those details.

Quality of Pictures and Their Complexity

This is an important step in the process of selecting a photograph for a custom puzzle. The quality of the photo should be good for the puzzle to come out nicely. Remember that the resolution of the picture should be high. These types of photos with high resolution will make better photo puzzles than the ones with low resolution. For example, the minimum file size required for the photos should be at least 800kb to create prints of good quality. Another important factor to consider when choosing a photo for your custom puzzle is complexity. Maybe portrait-type photos can be suitable for beginners, while colorful scenery can be used for advanced-level photo puzzles. The complexity of the pictures should be based on the age group of the person you want to give the puzzle to.

Framing the Pictures

So, instead of just assembling a puzzle, you want to frame it and put it on your wall. Maybe you want to give someone a special gift of a picture that means something to them. There are a couple of things you should know if you plan to frame a puzzle and place it in your home as wall art or give it to someone as a unique present. Don't forget that measuring correctly is a key component.

  • First, think about the thickness. Puzzles are usually thicker than normal photos, so it means that they might exceed the frame's thickness limitations. You may consider finding a shadow box frame as it should accommodate a puzzle of more considerable depth. A lot of manufacturers make classic puzzles such as wooden puzzles, while some modern puzzles are typically thinner. For most puzzles, the average depth ranges from 1.2 mm to 1.9 mm. The average paper thickness is somewhat close to 1 mm. So, the best thing to do is confirm with the framer and see what kind of thickness they can offer, and see whether their product works with your puzzle.

  • Another important thing is making sure that your puzzle is flat. This is the most basic part of the framing process. We know that there will be a stray piece that can pop out of place, and when we put it back down another piece pops out and it becomes a never-ending cycle. To ensure this does not happen, use a rolling pin to level the puzzle. Also, use adhesive to make sure it stays fully intact on any surface. For example, you can use brushes, but make sure to choose the correct one, or you can use spray-based options for glue. Whatever adhesive you choose, be sure to use a small to moderate amount. Of course, you need to verify everything is smooth before gluing it and then framing it.

  • Glue a puzzle or avoid the glue altogether. However, you need to make sure the puzzle stays in the frame! Remember that too much glue can cause a puzzle to warp and curl. If there is more moisture in the adhesive, it can easily cause the puzzle to swell and peel. So, it's best to use glue with low water content. But, what to do if you want to avoid using glue? You might want to use a peel-and-stick puzzle saver product or simply a basic roll of tape. A little advice, the tape might add some thickness to the overall dimensions of the puzzle, which is why you should measure everything correctly. If you want to give additional support, mount it on wax paper. This is more necessary if you used glue.

Once you've customized your picture jigsaw puzzle, start thinking about what to do with it. Whether you'll give it to someone as a gift, or maybe place it in your home, the choice is yours. Either way, you should enjoy the final product. Jigsaw puzzles are soothing, and made for enjoyment and making memories. They are not only a testament to hours of dedication but also a cool display piece. No doubt they will be a perfectly unique addition to your home decor. And as we already mentioned, never forget to double-check all measurements so that they will come out perfectly and your efforts won't be wasted.


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