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5 Ways to Make Easter Extra Special

This vibrant spring holiday is a beacon of light, something to look forward to, and an event for families to get excited about.

5 Ways to Make Easter Extra Special

As of late, festivals like Easter have become even more important to us than usual. They're a beacon of light, something to look forward to, and an event for the kids to get excited about. It's also about a sense of normalcy—that despite everything that's going on, we can continue to enjoy our lives as we did before, and stay in touch with those we love.

1. Get the Kids Involved

Whatever you're cooking, baking, or preparing this year, allow a little extra time to let the youngsters join in. You can always put them to work spreading butter on sandwiches, adding toppings, or peeling the outer leaves from sprouts. It helps to make mealtimes more of an event, and there's hardly a better reward than being allowed to lick the spoon after stirring the cake mix.

2. Put Up Decorations

We do this at Christmas, so why not Easter? Again, the kids can be a major part of painting eggs to go in a basket on the mantelpiece or cutting out bunny shapes from colored card to place around the living room. You could make a wreath with little chocolate eggs inside or even put up an Easter tree and hang eggs from the branches.

3. Enjoy an Outdoor Picnic

So long as the weather's not truly terrible, a family picnic will feel like a wonderful novelty at this time of year. Consider meeting up with another household at Easter and getting sociable as part of a thriving community.

4. Buy Something a Little Bit Special

Try a twist on the traditional by looking for something slightly different for a loved one this year such as chocolates in the shape of their favorite animals or dark chocolate Easter eggs—something memorable that they'll adore.

5. Keep Doing What You Do

Our sense of tradition is important, so if you always have an Easter egg hunt, keep hiding. If you normally have pancakes on Easter morning, keep flipping. And if you usually see particular relatives and friends, take time to enjoy the company of one another—it'll make all the difference for everyone.

Perhaps this will be the year we go all out and make this Easter the one our families will never forget.


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