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5 Interesting Facts About Armadillos

Love them or hate them, armadillos are one unique animal; and there are things about them that people often do not know.

5 Interesting Facts About Armadillos

In many places in the United States, encountering armadillos is an everyday occurrence. Residents of other regions of the United States are commonly shocked upon seeing an armadillo, as they have such a strange appearance. Love them or hate them, armadillos are one unique animal, and there are many things about them that many people often do not know. Continue reading to learn five interesting facts about the armadillo and visit to learn more.

Name Origins

The armadillo is a very interesting creature that has a hard shell which provides a decent amount of protection from larger predators that mean them harm. Thanks to its coat of armor, armadillos received their unique name. The word armadillo originates from the language of Spanish. A rough translation of armadillo is little one of armor. The small mammal received its moniker from the Spanish Conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes. Learning this little tidbit about where the armadillo gets its name helps you appreciate the strange little creature that much more.


While it might come as a surprise, South America and southern North America are home to 20 different species of the little ones of armor. The smallest of these species is the pink fairy armadillo, a pink-colored miniscule creature that has an average size of around four inches in length. The largest of the armadillo species is the giant armadillo, growing to be anywhere from two to three and a half feet in length. The most well-known armadillo in the United States is the nine-banded armadillo, which is commonly seen in Texas, Missouri, and several other southeastern states. Oddly enough, the nine-banded armadillo is heading northward, slowly but surely expanding its range.


The armor for which armadillos are so famous is actually an interesting bit of their anatomy and biology. Armadillos are the only mammal that has been found in nature that wears a shell of armor. The armor plates are actually made up of horn-covered bones that cover much of their body. The armadillo has protection on its back, legs, tails, and head from its coat of armor. Each of these plates overlaps with the other ones so that they do not allow easy access into their flesh for predators that may try to eat them. The shells of horn-covered bone protect armadillos well, as long as they are not flipped over on their backside. This is the main way in which they are killed and eaten by coyotes, bears, and other predators.

Swimming Capabilities

It might be shocking, but armadillos are able to swim very well due to the mobility of their legs. It should be noted that armadillos would sink right to the bottom of the water due to their heavy shell, but they have one interesting method of combating this. They often gulp down air so that they are more buoyant and can float across the water. In addition to their quirky behavior when it comes to water, these critters can also hold their breath for over five minutes so that they can stay submerged in the water until a threat from a predator or human has passed.

What They Eat

There are so many interesting facts about armadillos. One of the most interesting is how they find their food. The diet of armadillos is generally pretty standard whether they live in South America or Texas. This diet includes insects, ants, termites, fruits, bird eggs, beetles, and various other plants, providing armadillos with a diverse set of food sources in case of scarce environments. It should be noted that the armadillo is pretty much blind, so it makes hunting for food quite a bit harder. Since they cannot see very well, they are heavily reliant on their sense of smell to find their dinner. Some research points to the astounding fact that armadillos can smell food sources of up to 10 inches below the surface of the ground


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