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How to Lower Your Golf Handicap

Consider these practical means of ramping up your game and impressing your buddies with your new-found talent.

How to Lower Your Golf Handicap

For many sports lovers, getting good at a skill is far more complicated than just enjoying a sunny day out with some friends. There's nothing as calming as spending a day on a golf course with no worries about work and no loud sounds to bother you one bit. Every golfer is confronted with the fact they want to play some quality golf instead of just hitting balls around a large open field and spending a lot of money on top of that. Getting better at golf will depend not only on your ability but also on your equipment and vice versa. This means that the best and most expensive equipment won't turn your game around unless you put in some hours at the range perhaps three times per week. So what is the most effective way to become a reputable golfer? Whether you switch to a strong golf grip or you choose custom-fitted equipment, you may want to consider some practical means of ramping up your game and impressing your buddies with your newfound talent.


For most individuals who understand the game of golf and understand the dynamics of a golf swing, it's not that difficult to go out there and shoot some above-average shots for the better half of the game. But when you get to the 13th tee and your feet and legs are on fire and you can barely lift the golf club, that's where the drama starts. To become fit, exercise regularly and ensure your body gets all the sleep required to be on the top of your game. When you can play eighteen holes four days in a row and feel comfortable and fresh afterward, only then are you close to the fitness of most +2 handicappers. Being fit and ready for training days is the one way you would quickly adapt to the necessary ability to become a great golfer.


This one of the most critical factors of your golf game is your equipment. This doesn't mean that equipment would completely renew your game; but if you put in the work and already play good golf, clubs can be the difference between over par and under par. When you get to the point of investing thousands into your golf game, getting fitted by an expert is a must. These experts analyze your golf; and based on the insights, they provide clubs best suited to your style of swing. The golf club length chart is also an accurate means of determining what you should be fitted for. The longer you are, the longer clubs you should use for optimal performance. Getting fitted is an excellent way of improving your consistency and accuracy, as it is determined by you and not the rest of the golfers out there.

Tiger Woods once said, No matter how good you are, you can always get better. And that's the exciting part. Almost anyone with the work ethic and determination can become a great golfer; so if this is your dream, then get out there, start practicing, and start doing it right every day. No one was born to stay behind, so don't. Keep your mind on the right track and make everyday count.


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