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How Modern Artists Gain Visibility

Being an artist in a modern, fast-paced environment requires a new approach to visibility.

How Modern Artists Gain Visibility

In the past, famous painters such as Van Gogh relied on generous benefactors to make a living with their arts. Vincent Van Gogh, for instance, earned a living as an employee in an art dealership before becoming a schoolteacher, and a lay preacher. It's only in 1880 that he embraced his career as an artist. But the painter wouldn't have survived without the constant support of his brother Theo, who worked as an art dealer. Thanks to Theo's support and dedication, Vincent had garnered critical acclaim by the time of his death. After Theo and Vincent's deaths, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Vincent's sister-in-law extensively promoted the painter's work, ensuring it'll gain visibility in exhibitions. Nowadays, every artist needs someone who can sponsor their work the way Theo and Jo Van Gogh did. However, artists do not find sponsors among art dealers anymore. Being an artist in a modern, fast-paced environment requires a new approach to visibility.

They Provide Educational Workshops

An artist is both a creative force and a beacon of artistic knowledge. If you want to make your voice heard, you need to make sure you are saying things people want to hear. That's precisely why a lot of creative individuals choose to provide workshop services to help educate the public to the arts. A modern painter could, for instance, run appreciative debates about fine arts to help today's audience to understand the classic. They organize discussions around famous paintings, helping people to perceive emotions through the focal points, the color or the shape of the work. A workshop is a fantastic platform to share your knowledge and also introduce some of your personal work.

They Make Their Portfolio Visible

Art is visible when it is where you're looking for it. An artist who chooses to display their art on a private digital platform, for instance, is missing out on a huge opportunity. On the other hand, if the same artist uses a public platform such as Instagram to create an engaging portfolio, their work can be shared and appreciated by a lot of digital users. Making your art portfolio accessible to all, whether online with public platforms or offline in an art book printing, means that you make yourself easy to find. Printed portfolios can be sold in bookstores, souvenir shops in museums and craft stores, while online content is directly available at a click on social media.

They Contribute to Public Platforms

How does someone gain their first exposure to a new artist? Public platforms that are not targeted at art experts but at a broader audience group can be a fantastic introduction. For instance, guest posts in renowned online magazines or blogs can help increase brand awareness of individual artists. Artists can also attend university lectures as guests, providing a unique perspective to a subject. For example, a digital artist could reach out to cinema or computing studies to share how his skills enhance special effects or gaming designs.

Modern day's artists live in a crowded environment where their work is at risk of going unnoticed. While there is still art sponsoring coming from traditional sources, such as art dealers, most creatives rely on online platforms and knowledge sharing workshops to establish their brand. In other words, it's worth investigating open classes, social media hashtags, and guest contributions in your local area to find out about new artists.


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