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The Right Notes to Becoming a Working Entertainer

Some people find that to become an entertainer, they have to diversify their creative approach.

How to Become a Working Entertainer

Becoming an entertainer in the traditional sense was about entertaining audiences up and down the country. But now, becoming an entertainer is a far more nomadic and diverse practice. Some people find that to become an entertainer, they have to diversify their creative approach. Someone may be supremely skilled in classical music and work with a bunch of chamber groups, they may be someone who works in front of audiences, or they may handle behind-the-scenes logistics by performing tasks such as sound engineering or purchasing guitars, researching speakers, or comparing equipment online at sites like Consider these approaches that it can take to work in the entertainment industry.

Putting Your Work Online

These days, as a musician, you have the opportunity to put your work online. You can get your music on Apple Music or one of the many other streaming platforms. But when you are working as an entertainer, you can take advantage of what many organizations have been doing by charging people to view your work. Streaming a show can be easy to do; and if you are able to get access to a space that has some high production values, this can mean all the difference. Because everybody is now putting their work online, it looks like everyone is putting on a show from their room, which, of course, they are.

Diversifying Your Creative Endeavors

It's important to remember that in the modern day, many people are proficient in more than one skill set. If you want to work in the entertainment industry, and you are determined to be a dancer or a musician, you would do well to diversify your efforts. Those who want to become dancers have to learn how to be choreographers or diversify their efforts in other ways such as teaching dance classes. It's a common part of becoming an entertainer. When you start to look at the many options being an entertainer can give, especially in the music industry, you can write, create music in other ways, or you can even teach people.

Being Proactive in Looking for Work

Finding work in the creative industry has much to do with who you know, but it's also about being proactive. Building up contacts in a competitive industry can be a job in and of itself. Many people find that it is better for them to try to find their own work rather than to go through an agency. You have to remember that if you are looking for an agent, they will very likely represent clients in one specific skill set. In addition to this, if you're looking for work, you need to look beyond the typical parameters. For example, if you are a standup comedian, it's not just about the clubs as corporate gigs can be very lucrative as well.

Becoming an entertainer, regardless of the industry, is always going to be a challenge. If you or someone you care about is looking to make these steps into an entertainment industry, it's about having the right attitude to expand the skill set and also being aware of the pitfalls of the industry.


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