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Tips for Starting a Solo Music Career

There are many benefits that come with going solo, so consider these tips for making the most of opportunities.

Tips for Starting a Solo Music Career

Whether you're completely new to music in a professional sense or you've left a band and you're looking to go it alone, starting a solo career is tough and it presents you with a wide range of challenges. If you're looking to find out more about how you can get this right and how you can begin the process of finding success as a solo artist, consider these things you'll need to think about.

Define Yourself and Your Goals

First of all, you should try to define your goals and define yourself. As a solo artist, your persona and the 'you' that you present to the world matters a lot more than it did when you were in a band if that's something with which you have past experience. If you're looking to find success, you also need to have goals in place. What do you want to be? What are you looking to achieve? Your first task should be to define your style and purpose.

Collaborate With Other Musicians

Being a solo artist doesn't mean you have to become an artistic island. Collaboating with other people and other musicians is important, and it is something that many new solo artists forget to take into account. Creative processionals can easily use a cloud-based collaboration platform and audio/video conferencing in order to work with other musicians and make sure that you're not only pushing yourself but also testing out new ideas with other like-minded people.

Invest in the Equipment You'll Need

You're going to need to make sure that you have all of the equipment you need as a performing solo artist if you're going to go it alone. You won't be reliant on other people anymore, so you'll need to get shopping. You'll definitely need microphones, instruments, and equipment as well as the necessary tools to move that equipment around when you're touring live.

Market Yourself to the Audience

Working on your audience and marketing yourself to them is really important. This all starts with you answering the question of who your audience is and which demographics you're going to try and target. When you have answers to those kinds of questions, it's important to market yourself in an appropriate way and a way in which is going to appeal to those people. If you live in a big city as you're trying to get your music career off the ground, you may wish to hire a public relations agency to assist in your exposure to the public.

Start Performing Live

If you're someone who hasn't got much experience of performing music live, this is something that you're going to have to work on. Live performances are vital for solo artists, as they offer you a way to build name recognition and gradually build your following. Even if it is not possible to tour, online streamed performances can still be an option for you.

Starting a music career on your own is tough, especially if you're used to having the backup of a band. It's easy to feel suddenly very exposed and be daunted by the prospect of going it alone, but there are so many benefits that come with going solo too, so try to make the most of those and the tips outlined above.


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