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4 Bucket List Ideas for Your Twenties

There is a lot to do while you're young; and with the right help, you can make your twenties some of the most fun years of your life.

4 Bucket List Ideas for Your Twenties

Your twenties are probably the most energetic you will ever be, and it is a good time to have a fun bucket list. There is a lot to do while you're young; and with the right help, you can make your twenties some of the most fun years of your life. So, here are a few ideas for your twenties bucket list.

1. Travel Solo

This may sound intimidating if you've never done it before. All the things that could go wrong are probably already filling your mind. But think about everything else that could go right. Solo traveling is great, especially because it is freeing, and you get to gather experiences at your own pace and without any pressure. Also, you are likely to meet new people on your trip and make new friends. Solo trips will teach you things you won't learn anywhere else.

2. Road Tripping

As simple as this sounds, very few people get to go on road trips in their twenties. A road trip involves going on the road in a car with a few essential things. All you need is a map, and you can spend time seeing your environment. The fun thing about road trips is that you get to live in the moment and maintain some perspective on life. It is an adventure that opens you up to the concept of not having to control everything, and it might also be a chance to put your phone down for a bit. You can go solo or with friends. Either way, you'll have a good time.

3. Pick a Weekend for Just Partying

While you go about life, something that people in their twenties think about is how hard they have to work ALL the time. While this is important, sometimes you'll need to have some fun. So when you have the time, dedicate one weekend to partying. It doesn't have to be anything too wild if you're not up for it. Just find a couple of activities happening over the weekend that you think you might enjoy and go ham. While you're at it, initiate a conversation with a total stranger, and you never know how that might end. Be sure to be aware of your environment, however, and stop when you need to. You can bring your gang along with you if you'd like to share the experience.

4. Try to Break a World Record

There is a long list of amazing people that have done extraordinary things; and one more name, which could be yours, is not a bad idea at all. As mentioned, your twenties will probably be the most fit you will be, so it will be the best time to challenge yourself. At the same time, make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard and also taking precautions. For example, if you are looking to beat the world's most tattooed man, make sure your artist is safe, using products like red soap on your skin to prepare it before drawing on it.


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