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Great Gift Ideas for a Stay-at-Home Christmas

If you're scratching your head thinking about cool gift ideas for your family and friends, we've got you covered.

Great Gift Ideas for a Stay-at-Home Christmas

Considering the nature of the pandemic we're facing, we're expecting a lot of people to spend their Christmas break at home or with minimal traveling. If you belong in that camp, you're probably scratching your head thinking what would be a cool gift idea for your family and friends who are staying with you. No worries, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll take a look at some cool gift ideas for those that are staying home with you!

Christmas Hampers

When we think of Christmas gift ideas, we're usually thinking of expensive gadgets and fashion accessories. But since you'll be cooped up at home together during the break, why not share a hamper? If money is tight this year, hampers just make more financial sense. In a way, you're giving everyone a gift without having to spend a ton of money. And you know what they say ... sharing is caring. So why not indulge in some fine wine or even chocolates together?

Wireless Speakers

While everyone is enjoying their hot chocolate and juicy gossip, why not set the mood in the den with some background music, eh? Wireless speakers have come a long way in terms of sound quality and technology. There are a lot of options to choose from at great prices! The most common type of wireless speakers is the Bluetooth speaker. However, there are also speakers that connect over your home's Wi-Fi network and NFC technology. If your household isn't tech-savvy, I'd recommend sticking to the Bluetooth kind!


There's nothing worse than celebrating Christmas week with a sore throat. It's super irritating and can be painful. Unfortunately, dry, winter weather is the culprit for this. Since you'll be spending a lot of time at home this season, a humidifier is a great way to soothe your throat, minimize the raspy coughing, and improve the quality of your sleep. Your skin will receive the positive effects of moist air too. Before you buy one, be sure to consider the size of your room. The size of the humidifier you buy will depend on this. Buying a humidifier unit that is too big relative to the room can cause mold and mildew to grow.

Indoor Herb Garden

Having your own indoor herb garden offers plenty of benefits. You'll always have fresh and ready-to-go herbs right when you want them. No more walking through the grocery aisles to look for the dried herbs in a bottle. Fresh herbs are just tastier, too! Growing your own herbs will help you save money in the long run. However, it's important to look for the right kinds to start off with as some herbs do need extra care than others. For convenience sake, most herb gardeners would recommend that you start off with thyme, oregano, mint, and chives. These are common ingredients used in cooking and are hardy enough to last through the winter!


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