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3 Tips for First Date Conversations

If conversation is lacking, consider these tips to make sure first date communication doesn't end up in awkward silence.

3 Tips for First Date Conversations

First dates have a bad reputation for being awkward, or that it's hard to carry on a conversation without it feeling forced. You can go on the most romantic date in the world and have the best ideas for a great time. But, if the conversation is lacking, the date could easily be a bust. So, what can you do to make sure your first date conversations don't end up in awkward silence?  Let's take a look at a few easy tips to keep in mind to impress your date, and create a comfortable, flowing conversation.

1. Educate Yourself on Current Events

One of the easiest ways to break the ice is to talk about current events. What's going on in the world, and how can you work it into a conversation? If there is one topic in particular that you're passionate about, don't be afraid to bring it up. Talking about some of the happenings around the globe not only makes for easy conversation, but it can help you to gain more insight into your date's thoughts and opinions on things, so you will get a better idea of whether they're a good match for you. With that in mind, be careful about diving into things like politics or other controversial topics. That can lead to things like strawman fallacies, wrongful assumptions, and opinionated arguments—not exactly the most romantic thing for a date.

2. Give Them a Compliment

When you give your date a compliment, it should be genuine, not forced. When you do offer a genuine comment on their appearance, or tell them they seem smart or funny, they're more likely to open up and actually fulfill that compliment for themselves, as well as you. Additionally, saying something positive about them could lead to a natural story and more conversation. For example, if you tell your date you like their shirt, they might tell you where they got it, or how they like the color, which can snowball into other topics of conversation.

3. Ask Questions

You've probably heard before that communication is one of the most important keys to any relationship. But, that doesn't just mean talking all of the time. A big part of actively communicating is listening. People usually only remember anywhere from 17-25% of the things they hear. So, strive to be better on your date. Really listen to what they have to say. Ask questions to learn more, using body language to show that you're actively listening, etc. Not only will they appreciate it, but it's a great way to learn more about them and determine if there is a real spark there.

First dates don't have to spell disaster when it comes to conversation. Keep these tips in mind on your next date, so that you can keep the conversation rolling. You never know what one idea or comment might turn into. Before you know it, you may be talking for hours and closing down the restaurant! That's a clear sign of a great first date, and it's right at your fingertips when you know how to communicate effectively.


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