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4 Steps for a Trouble-free House Move

It's easy to get overwhelmed with the paperwork, legal issues, and packing; so consider these tips to make moving easier.

4 Steps for a Trouble-free House Move

Moving house can be a very stressful experience which often spoils what should be an exciting change. From undertaking a lot of paperwork, calls back and forth to estate agents, legal issues, all before the process of packing up your things, it's easy for you to become overwhelmed. Once you have the official paperwork signed and a moving date has been finalized, make sure the next phase of moving home is made easier for you by following these four steps:

Organize Your Things

When moving to a new home, it's important to go through your belongings and decide what you want/need to take with you and what can go. Over the years it's easy to gather a lot of clutter; and to make the move easier and your new home tidier, it's important to get rid of any useless or unwanted items before you go. Clothing, books, and other trinket-type items are all good places to start when organizing your things. Take the time to rummage through your closets and make a trip to goodwill, or ask friends or family if they would like to take something instead.

Pack In Advance

Once you have thinned out your belongings, you can focus on packing them up in preparation for the move. A lot of people leave packing until the last minute, and this is how things can get lost and stress levels are increased. To avoid a panic, try to start the packing process a few weeks in advance. Of course, there will be certain things you will still need to use right up until the moving date (cooking utensils, toothbrush, etc.,) but any non-essential items should be boxed up and ready to go.

Organize Professional Help

It's always worth considering professional help when you're moving house, especially if you have a lot of stuff to take with you. In particular, if you're moving with large pieces of furniture you should hire a professional moving company. They will have the right training and equipment to move these heavy items safely, as well as having a van large enough to transport all of your things. Companies like Father & Son Moving & Storage are great examples of professional movers, and can also help you with any storage you might need.

Clean The Property

Whether you're renting or selling your old home, it's always important to make sure the property is clean out of respect for the next residents. This is something you can do yourself, especially if you're trying to keep moving costs down. However, as a deep clean can be time-consuming, if you can afford to do so, hiring a professional cleaning service could be the best thing to do. It will save you a lot of time and you will know the house has been left sparkling clean.

Moving can be a stressful experience, but making sure you're organizing your time for each of these steps will help. Don't leave everything to the last minute, and consider what professional services you can hire to help ease the pressure.


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