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5 Reasons It Makes Sense to Travel Locally

Checking out the local attractions and well-known spots will definitely deepen your appreciation for your country.

5 Reasons It Makes Sense to Travel Locally

You don't have to go far to satisfy your need to travel. Visiting nearby cities and localities will expose you to the many beautiful sights and wonders your country has to offer. You'll also get to experience the unique culture of the place you're visiting while enjoying unique delicacies that you probably would have a hard time finding elsewhere. Checking out the local attractions and well-known spots will definitely deepen your appreciation for your country. It also makes sense to travel locally because of the following advantages:

1. It's More Affordable Than Traveling Abroad

Traveling abroad is a great experience, but you need to be ready to save up. Going to a far-off country is typically more expensive as you have to pay for the airfare while also taking into account some of the other common travel costs:

  • Your means of traveling around the place (e.g. taxis, trains, buses, etc.)
  • The price of the lodging where you're staying
  • Other expenses (e.g. shopping, eating at restaurants, tours, etc.)

Traveling locally, on the other hand, is more affordable. You're often more familiar with the prices of the travel accommodations, goods, and food in your country, so you can quickly estimate how much money you'll need to make your trip a success. You'll also have an easier time looking for clean cheap hotels and budget flights as you're more acquainted with the offerings presented by the local hotel chains and airlines. Overall airfare within countries are also often very affordable, and a lot of times, you might not even need to fly at all. Indeed, you can make your trip even more economical if you choose to drive to the attractions you plan on visiting. This is especially true if the points of interest you wish to see are but a few hours away from where you live.

2. It's More Convenient

There are a lot of challenges you can face when traveling abroad. For example, if you don't speak or read the language of the country you're visiting, asking for directions and reading menus will be a hassle. If you don't know how to use their currency, it might take you several minutes before you're able to leave the checkout counter. Additionally, getting around town can be a stressful experience if you're unfamiliar with how their public transport system operates. When you travel locally, on the other hand, you can eliminate these inconveniences since you're more knowledgeable with how things work in your country. You already know and understand how your local public transport network operates, so getting from point A to B will be less frustrating. You're also less likely to get lost in translation since many of the locals can write, speak, and read in your national language. Plus, you're used to your country's currency, so making purchases and paying for services will be quick and easy.

3. It's More Flexible

Creating an itinerary for a trip abroad can be challenging, especially if you're visiting the country for only a few days. Even if you want to see all the amazing sights, you're bound to choose a limited number of attractions since the time you're given is constrained. When traveling locally, however, you can be a bit more flexible. With everything being so close to home, you have more leeway to check out all the local famous attractions at your own pace.

4. You're Supporting Local Businesses and the Economy

When you decide to travel locally, not only are you boosting your country's tourism industry, but you're also helping local businesses grow. Purchasing local goods and services will also expose you to the different products that make your country unique, as well as make you more aware of the importance of buying local. Sharing your local travel experiences may also inspire your friends to travel locally. When more people become interested in checking out the local spots, homegrown businesses are able to thrive and local cultures and traditions are kept alive.

5. You Experience Something Familiar and New at the Same Time

Although you're visiting landmarks, attractions, and sites that are just a few hours away from home, you'll feel like you're experiencing your country's culture for the very first time. Taking in the breathtaking views of the sea, tasting local dishes you thought you never had, and chatting it up with the locals will give you a brand new perspective on how you view your country as a whole. What's more, hitting the local attractions may prompt you to visit more places within your country, expanding your local travel experience as a result.

There are plenty of reasons why traveling locally is just as good as traveling abroad. Not only is it more economical to visit local destinations, but it's also easier to bring your family or group of friends along your journey as well. You'll also have more time visiting all the popular attractions while supporting the many small mom-and-pop shops around the place. Finally, you'll be reintroduced to your local culture, helping you develop a newer and deeper appreciation for your country.


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