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4 Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

If you want to stay healthy during shifts, consider implementing healthy choices into your office design.

4 Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

When looking into interior design Manhattan Beach for your office, you need to think beyond aesthetics. True, you want your space to look and feel amazing, but you also wish to have functionality which includes ways to improve your health. Researches have published many studies analyzing the health risks of long bouts of sitting, and none of the results seem to favor chair time. If you want to stay healthy during your eight to 10-hour shifts, consider implementing healthy choices into your office design.


One of the recent trends on the rise with interior designers Santa Monica is standing desks. However, if you have never used a standing desk, do not select one as your only option. There are plenty of desks that offer both options. Some manufacturers construct desks with one higher and lower surface, while others have motors that allow a user to raise and lower their work surface as they need. Being healthier at work is all about having options, and implementing a standing work surface is an excellent place to start.


Another way to stay healthy during a long shift is to exercise throughout the day. When discussing office interior design Los Angeles, you may wish to consult a designer about installing a desk treadmill or chair alternatives. However, if you are not that adventurous, you can perform different activities during your shift; for example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or learn to pace while on the phone. Many experts suggest taking short hourly breaks to stretch and move. There are several ways to implement exercise into your daily routine, just be creative.


Dehydration is a significant concern for everyone. Office workers can get lost in their work and forget to drink for hours. If not adequately hydrated throughout the day, you can get headaches or backaches and become lethargic. Ensure you are drinking plenty of water, not coffee or energy drinks. While you may believe that any liquid is better than none, you are mistaken. Energy drinks are full of sugars and chemicals that only contribute to an eventual crash cycle, and caffeinated coffee is also not the healthiest choice either. Drink water.


Eating seems obvious to maintaining a healthy life, but too many office workers cannot maintain a proper diet. While skipping lunch to meet a deadline seems favorable sometimes, turning that occasional behavior into a habit is unhealthy. If you do not believe you have time to take full meal breaks during work, then consider having several smaller meals instead. It is easier to snack on vegetables and fruit throughout the day, then take a dedicated lunch hour; also, you will feel fuller longer with several snack breaks during the day.

While staying healthy at work seems impossible, it is not. True, you may find it challenging to implement healthier activities during the day, but with the help of coworkers and a little creative thinking, you can make it work. Try talking to an interior designer to figure out how to change your workspace for exercise and healthy living.


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