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Custom Paintings from Photos as a Birthday Gift

Give your loved one the gift of a custom painting from a photo.

Custom Paintings from Photos as a Birthday Gift

Does someone in your life have a birthday coming up? If so, then you may have already started to think about buying them a great gift. However, even if you have decided to buy the gift online, you might not know what kind of gift to get them or where to buy it. The artists at Paint Your Life know exactly what you might like to get that special person in your life and where to buy it. offers incredible custom watercolor portraits that make for wonderful birthday gifts. You can commission these paintings directly through the Paint Your Life website, and each painting is hand-drawn by one of their highly-skilled artists. They base the painting on a photo that you submit to them. So you will have to choose a photo that you think the person you are shopping for would really like to see turned into a painting. You can also choose which artist that you would like to have do the painting for you.

Pam's Paint Your Life Story

Pam wanted to give her fiancé something that was truly special as a birthday gift. After searching for a gift online, she stumbled across Paint Your Life. She decided to commission a custom painting from the company. About her experience with Paint Your Life, Pam said, Oh my! I was so excited when I received the beautiful painting that Paint Your Life completed, that I took the painting straight to work to show everyone. It's a painting of my fiancé's son who passed away suddenly a few months ago. It was going to be a Christmas present for my fiancÉ. I can't wait until Christmas, so I'm giving it to him early for his birthday. I CAN'T WAIT! Thank you so much Paint Your Life. It's just beautiful. As you can see, Pam had a fantastic experience with Paint Your Life. She was not only able to find the perfect gift for her fiancé, but she was able to do all of the shopping online. This made it extremely convenient for her in addition to being a highly meaningful process.

Special Gifts Provide Special Moments

Custom paintings from Paint Your Life are truly special gifts. In fact, many people have never received a custom painting as a gift before, let alone a custom painting that is based on a beautiful moment from their lives. So, when you give the person in your life this special gift, it will provide a truly special moment filled with emotion. Joy and appreciation are two of the strongest emotions that people feel when they receive paintings from Paint Your Life. After you give the gift to the recipient, you both will likely remember the day very well for a long period of time. If you can, you should try to film the person's reaction to your gift. Oftentimes, people cry or shout out in joy or disbelief when they set eyes on the painting for the first time. This is a very special moment that you do not want to forget. If you capture the moment on video, you can relieve it for years or even for decades. You can also send it to the company since they love to see how people react to their paintings and may even feature the video on their website.

A Great Gift for Any Occasion

Even though Paint Your Life paintings make excellent birthday gifts, that is not the only occasion for which they work well. They also make great wedding gifts, anniversary gifts, bar/bat mitzvah gifts, graduation gifts, retirement gifts, etc. So, no matter what special occasion that the person in your life who you are shopping for is going through, a custom painting from Paint Your Life can be a perfect gift. Also, there are no specific age requirements for Paint Your Life paintings. People of all ages love them from young children to people in their 80's and 90's. The entire process of commissioning a painting from Paint Your Life and receiving the completed work only takes a few weeks. So, you can get your painting very quickly once you make your order. After you receive it, all that you have to do is to wrap it and give it to the person you are shopping for on his or her special day.

The process is so much fun that you might just want to commission custom paintings from Paint Your Life for all of your friends and family members. Watch a custom painting from Paint Your Life come to life online.


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