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8 Ways to Be More Stylish

You currently have a chance to gut your wardrobe and see whether you can revive a little of your style from years gone by.

8 Ways to Be More Stylish

There is nothing like a stay-at-home situation to make you feel like a frump. Being around the house and wearing mostly loungewear while you go about your work-from-home routine can get you a little too comfortable. Not that it's a bad thing to wear loungewear, but what you wear can directly set you up for the day in terms of confidence and energy. The more you wear your PJs, the more tired you will feel, for example. Right now, you have a wardrobe filled with clothing that you aren't wearing, which means that now is the perfect time to declutter this sartorial nightmare. You may have clothing dating back to the 1990s if you're lucky, but that doesn't mean that you have to hold onto them. The style you're rocking right now may be less contact lenses and more John Lennon glasses, but that isn't to say UK monthly contact lenses are the way to go because either with the right outfit can be stylish. You have the chance to gut the wardrobe and see if you can revive a little of your style from years gone by. Either way, here are eight ways you can get started.

Don't Buy a One-Off

It's tempting to buy a dress just for a party, but do you not have anything in the closet already? Contrary to popular custom, you do not need to buy a new dress every single time you have an occasion. You need to think about this realistically. How many new events are you going to attend every year? Exactly. Don't spend your money on a new outfit to be worn once and linger in the back of the closet for a decade.

Don't Buy What Looks Bad

You don't need to buy shapeless clothing in the name of trying to be out there. Choose options that suit your coloring, and don't fall for big trends just because the fashion magazines tell you to buy them. If yellow isn't your color, don't choose it.

Don't Fall for Bargains

Suppose there's an outfit you don't need but the price tag is overly tempting, so you buy it. And you're not going to wear it because you have nowhere to go in it and you don't even need it. But you bought it because the bargain was so good. Don't waste your money only to banish it to a back-of-the-closet wasteland.

Swap Shop Starring You & You

When you buy something that is to your taste, consider that you should swap something out in your closet. If you buy a new top, get rid of an old top. You can avoid being swamped in a mess of styles by sticking to what will work, swapping out old pieces for new and clearing your wardrobe at the same time.

Swap With Friends

Even if you cannot meet up right now, you can have a Zoom fashion show and showcase what you have to swap. Improving your style often comes with swapping out what you have with your friends; and though you may be wearing second-hand clothing, that doesn't mean that it's a bad option.

Slow Down Your Sprees

A key tip for improving your style is to slow down on buying everything you see. A shopping spree is only fun if you get something out of it, and going on regular sprees will likely damage your wallet rather than improve your style. Buy key pieces as you need them, and have more of a capsule wardrobe that will gradually evolve over time rather than a huge jumble of clothes.

Choose New Brands

You may get stuck in a rut with the same brands that you've always used, but it doesn't mean that you must keep using those brands. Choose something new and try embracing a brand that will be affordable.

Buy Clothes That Fit

The best tip for your style? Buy clothes that fit you! It's easy to jump into skinny jeans—well, it's easy to jump into the trend—but not quite so easy when they're not something to suit you whether they're too tight, too loose, too short, or too long. Choose things that you are going to fit into. Be realistic with yourself, and don't squeeze into clothing that no longer fits. You can only feel confidence in your style when you feel comfortable in the clothing you are wearing. Go for the right fit and you're halfway there.


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