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6 Amazing Things Not to Miss on a Uganda Safari

Despite living in the shadow of big names like Tanzania and Kenya, Uganda is a great destination for safaris in Africa.

6 Amazing Things Not to Miss on a Uganda Safari

If you haven't yet traveled to the part of the world called Uganda, you have missed a lot of eye-catching, mind-blowing, air-gasping and delightful experiences. You don't have to just be a tourist in order to open yourself a gateway leading to happiness and a memorable experience. Everything about Uganda is a call for you to get off your feet come experience how nature seems to come down and kneels at the feet of man. Allow yourself to surrender and let a guided safari or Uganda self drive tour accompany you as you open yourself to another world. Here below are some of the things that you should not be willing to let pass by you.


Uganda is home to about 364 mammal species and more than 1062 bird species. These are spread across the country within 10 national game parks, 12 game reserves, and 14 wildlife sanctuaries which spread across the country. Uganda is home to the famous mountain gorillas and is home to more than 45% of these species in the whole world found at Bwindi National Park which is shared between the countries of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Uganda is also home to tree climbing lions, elephants, buffalos, zebras, rhinos, kobs, antelopes, chimpanzees, baboons, different species of monkeys, and a lot more. Uganda is also home to a lot of bird species whose sounds and activities can be likened to an orchestra of the wild.

Plant Cover

Uganda was once termed the Pearl of Africa by famous British Premier Sir Winston Churchill during a tour around Uganda. It is said that he was awashed by emotion when he visited the famous rift valley and saw a plethora of greenery and beauty. Uganda is covered by 24% forest which includes tropical rain forests, savannah, and woodland. This vegetation cover also happens to be home to wildlife species and preserves which receive aid from the Ugandan government.

Ugandan Culture

Ugandan people are known to have a very great temperament in general, welcoming and exuding warmth to all visitors. Uganda has a 56 tribes, and these all have different cultures and a variety of ways of life. The cultures take different forms of food, dances, dressing, singing, marriage customs, local drinks, housing, initiation rites, animals, crops, tools they use, and so much more. You can taste a wide range of healthy cuisines prepared differently by the people throughout the different areas. The people dress differently according to their cultures with all having different meanings according to the time and the occasion. The people of Uganda have many different and vigorous dances befitting of certain occasions and the moods of the people. Africans take dance and music seriously, and they wear special clothes for this. They also have different musical instruments like the adungu, embaire, flute, horn, and thumb pianos inclusive of whistling.

Natural Features and Wonders

Uganda is one of the most unique places of the world with natural physical features that can leave you in awe. The Great Rift Valley passes through this great land which leaves amazing physical features that artists and photographers would likely appreciate. Uganda is found in the Great Lakes region with more than six all-year-present lakes, and one crater lake provides breathtaking sights and sounds. Uganda also has beautiful mountain ranges which are ideal for mountain climbing and camping. Uganda is also home to the beautiful waterfalls and natural steam baths that, according to legend, have healing powers.

The People

The people of Uganda are among some of the friendliest in the country. Seek them out, and they may tell you stories that you have never heard about Uganda or walk you through the untold history of Uganda which could be of great interest to you.

Uganda is a great destination for safaris in Africa. Though it sits in the shadow of big names like Tanzania and Kenya, it can also be a rewarding destination to visit for safaris. You can get started with planning your next trip by visiting the Uganda Safari Planner, a great resource to help you with useful information, tips, and advice.


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