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The Beginners Guide to Art Collecting

Not exclusive to just the wealthy elite, the opportunity to collect art is available to anyone.

The Beginners Guide to Art Collecting

You may be under the impression that only the super-rich and elite collect art. However, this truly does not need to be the case. In fact, art is for everyone and is designed to enrich the lives of all that gaze upon it. Of course, it can be a little intimidating when you first start your collection; so consider the advice below for collecting art.

Do See as Much Art as You Can

One of the most important things you can do when you begin your collecting journey is to see as much art as possible. That means going to galleries and shows as well as museums and installations. In fact, don't limit yourself to only attending events where you think you will like the art. After all, the key here is to let yourself have emotional reactions even if they are negative ones. In fact, it is only by exposing yourself to all kinds of art from portraiture to abstract, classic to postmodern that you will know what really sets a fire in your soul. Then, once you have that worked out, you can start to narrow down the field on the genre of art you wish to collect.

Do Ask Questions

It's easy to think that you need to spend your time at art exhibitions stroking your chin and remarking hmmm as you gaze at the pieces. You'll be pleased to discover, however, that the world of art is definitely changing. In fact, most artists and venues like Park West Gallery are more than happy to engage you in a conversation about the piece. You can expect an exchange that will explain the inspiration for the piece in addition to what the piece is trying to convey. To that end, don't be afraid to ask questions. You may discover a great depth that will help you connect to the piece even more.

Do Create a Relationship with a Gallery

Next, when it comes to collecting art, it can really help to have an excellent secure connection with a favored gallery that also sells pieces. In fact, having someone looking out for pieces that match your interests and styles often means you can get the first refusal that you would have otherwise missed out on.

Don't Forget There Are Many Ways to Collect

Finally, do remember there is a whole range of ways you can collect art. If you haven't quite got the funds for original high-end pieces, you do not have to miss out. In fact, one option would be to invest in a print of the piece you like that you can hang on the wall at home and still appreciate its beauty.

Alternatively, many creators are working on lower to mid-priced pieces and selling them via platform online. You can begin to feed your passion for visual works now even while you are working your way up to purchasing in a higher investment piece.


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