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The Impact of Computers in the Field of Teaching

This field of education is changing all the time, and technology has done a lot to improve it.

The Impact of Computers in the Field of Teaching

The life of a teacher has never been an easy one. A lot of people try this career path only to find that they don't have what it takes, and even more will know before they start that teaching won't be right for them. Of course, though, technology has changed the way that education works in the modern world. Some of the old challenges are gone, but others have presented themselves. Computers have impacted the world of teaching in ways such as:


It's crucial that the work a student submits is their own, as this is the only way to truly test whether or not they understand a subject. Explaining this to young people is hard, though, and the internet provides them with a wealth of resources which make it incredibly easy to copy other people's work. Alongside this, though, copyscape tools can make it possible for teachers to search for plagiarism without having to spend loads of time to catch their students out.


Smartphones have made life easier for a lot of people, but they shouldn't have a place in a classroom. They will cause loads of distractions, with students having the ability to play games and message one another, and the chance to browse the web being too hard to resist. It can be hard for schools to combat this, and some have resorted to all-out smartphone bans or signal blockers inside classrooms.

Books & Reading

Books have always been a big part of school, with students of the past gathering most of their information from these incredible resources. Ebooks have changed the way this works, though, giving students access to more books than ever before, and providing a much more convenient way to read them. You can learn more about the impact of ebooks on education from USC, and their ideas surrounding this topic are very interesting.


Group work has long been a challenge for students. Some team members will never work as hard as others, some simply won't care about the grades they get from the work they're doing. Collaboration software makes it easier for teams of students to work together, while still being recognised for the individual roles they've played in the whole thing. Of course, this can also make it much easier for people to work as a group when they're in different places.


Cheating has long been an issue for examiners, with loads of students across the world preferring the task of devising cheating methods over simply studying for their courses. Smartphones, small headsets, and a host of other tools can be used for cheating at school, and technology is only making issues like this worse.

With all of this in mind, you should have a much better idea of how computers impact the world of teaching. This field is changing all the time, and technology has done a lot to improve it, though this is something which schools and students have to work on together.


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