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5 Things to Know Before Leaving Venice

It's helpful to be aware of certain tips and practices in order to ensure a smooth departure.

5 Things to Know Before Leaving Venice

So you are on your way from Venice. Some people find it very difficult to leave this idyllic city, where peace, bottomless Venetian canals, and time stand still. For this reason, it's helpful to be aware of certain tips and practices in order to ensure a smooth departure. Here are some things you need to know:

Use Vaporetto or Water Taxi to Get to the Mainland

If you are directed to the airport or the mainland, pay close attention to the transportation options. The Vaporetto (water bus) or water taxi can take you to the main hubs, but check out in advance the Vaporetto schedules, especially when you have a specific time to catch a flight or a train. Take into consideration some extra time for possible delays or crowded boats.

Venice's Main Airport: Marco Polo

If you will be taking a flight from Venice, make sure to know the layout of Venice's main airport, Marco Polo, and plan your way there in slight advance. If you're not traveling by personal transport, the Alilaguna boat service might be of help to avoid possible traffic jams.

Venice Cruise Port

You?re departing from the Venice Cruise Port? Understand the transportation options available to your destination. Ensure you have arranged for a water taxi or other suitable transport.

Make Sure to Respect Your Checkout Times

If you're staying in a hotel, be mindful of the checkout times, which are often between 10 AM and 12 AM. On the evening before your departure, schedule your morning and think through any potential charges for additional room services.

Arrange Your Itinerary

If you bought Venice Cards in order to attend events and enter museums, be sure to utilize all of the services that are included to the best extent possible. For example, if you booked your stay in the best 5-star hotel in Venice you may consult the receptionist to plan your trip accordingly.

Store Your Luggage

If you have some time before your departure and want to go for a walk without having to carry your bags, check out if your accommodation or other local services provide luggage storage.

Change Your Currency

Before departing Venice, think about converting any extra euros to your native currency if you won't need them at your next stop. You can do this locally through exchange services or even at the airport.

Confirm Your Reservations Beforehand

Verify your reservation for any pre arranged transportation services, such as a shuttle or water taxi, the day before you leave to prevent any last-minute issues.

Enjoy Your Departure

Take one more look around Venice's picturesque streets and canals before you depart. Settle in for a final lunch at a nearby restaurant and make some last-minute memories.

Leaving Venice might be bittersweet, so take the time to enjoy your last moments before departure in this enchanting and unique city. Making preparations in advance will guarantee a smooth and pleasurable journey to your next destination.


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