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Exciting Ideas to Try for Your 10th Anniversary

You've come so far in a decade, so consider having a big celebration to really put the cherry on top.

Exciting Ideas to Try for Your 10th Anniversary

The tenth anniversary is a big one. You've been together for a whole decade now, learned so much about each other during that time, had all kinds of ups and downs, and now you're on the other side of it all closer than ever. Since you've come so far, why not have a big celebration to really put the cherry on top? The tenth anniversary, traditionally celebrated with a gift of tin, should be a big day for the two of you. But you don't have to get a new jewelry box engraved if you don't want to; instead, consider these exciting alternatives.

Fly Somewhere

If you've been saving for a little while now, and your decade of being in love has rolled around, why not fly the two of you somewhere you've always wanted to go? The kind of place you've always made excuses about, such as it's too expensive or you need a special reason to go there. Now you can tick both of these issues off the list and just go and have a good time. If you like, you can even surprise your partner with the trip, but it might be best to surprise them with just the fact that you can finally do it. Then you can plan it together and ensure you're both about to have the best time.

Rent a Venue

Seeing as this is your tenth anniversary, it might be a great idea to get all your loved ones involved in the celebration as well. However, that's going to be way too many people just to get round your house. Instead, consider hiring out a venue near you and invite everyone along for a night of appreciation. You can email community centers, restaurants, bars, and cafés to ask if they hire out their properties to big parties like yours. If you don't find anything suitable, think about having a garden party instead. You can even contract a catering service to provide food for a buffett-style spread. Food is often the way to the heart.

Renew Your Vows

Reminisce about the day you popped the question or said yes when your significant other did. Why not renew your vows on this day instead? This is a sign of your renewed commitment to your relationship, and just how much being together means to the two of you.

Is your tenth anniversary about to come around? Then think about ways to celebrate and get planning. This is a pretty big date to get right.


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