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5 Ways to Get a Great Night's Sleep in a Hotel

Traveling to a different time zone or changing your daily schedule can leave you unable to drift off to sleep at bedtime.

5 Ways to Get a Great Night's Sleep in a Hotel

Travel is great fun, but it can certainly mess up your sleep schedule. This is especially true when you factor in different time zones, thus waking up earlier or staying up later than usual. All of these things can leave you staring at the ceiling unable to drift off to sleep at bedtime. If you're not opting for an Airbnb, you will probably be staying in a hotel. It sounds simple to crash in a hotel at the end of a long day, but studies have found that when people are traveling, there are two things that are at a high risk of happening: food poisoning and sleep deprivation. Even if you're staying in a luxury hotel or upscale Airbnb, it can be hard to switch off and get your beauty rest. Many hotels nowadays like the Westgate Branson Resort provide a virtual room tour option that you can view room types online before you book so that you know what you're getting into. The last thing you want is to book unsuitable accommodations and start at a disadvantage with getting a good night of sleep. Consider these tips to ensure you are well-rested on your next trip.

Make it Feel More Like Home

Do you have a special pillow that you can't sleep without? Are you currently reading a book? Well, make sure to take them along! If you're staying somewhere that reminds you of where you live, your setting yourself up for more familiarity and relaxation when it's time to hit the sack. Be sure to take some small, light items with you on your next trip to help you make the space feel more like your bedroom back at home.

Invest in a Good Pair of Earbuds

Sometimes hotels can be loud, especially if they're in a city or if there's bachelor or bachelorette group staying on the same floor as you. Noise + sleep = Not gonna happen! So, make sure you have a pair of high-quality earbuds, ear plugs or noise-cancelling headphones. If you happen to forget this essential, they are easily picked up in most airports, pharmacies and retail stores.

Take a Warm Bath or Shower

If you're finding it hard to relax in your hotel room, it can be worth running a warm bath or taking a hot shower. This will help you relax, calming your mind and muscles. Try playing some spa music in the background on your smartphone to help the mood. After your bath or shower, think about meditating or calming your mind. There are many free apps and videos you can use to help unwind.

No Screentime Before Bed

Avoiding screen time before bed is important if you want to have a restful night's sleep when staying away from home. The blue light emitted by screens on smartphones, tablets, and computers, can interfere with the body's production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Engaging with screens before bedtime stimulates the brain, making it more difficult to relax and fall asleep, which is not what you want if you plan on getting a good night's sleep.

Check the Temperature

For humans, the ideal sleep temperature is 66 °F or 19 °C. So, if you have a hotel room that is too hot or too cold, you'll either be reaching for the covers or kicking them off. Check the thermostat of the room and make it to your liking. You can also dress in sleepwear that have soft and airy material to help regulate your body temperature while you sleep.

Traveling can be an enriching and exciting experience, but maintaining a healthy sleep schedule while on the road can be challenging. The changes in time zones, different sleep environments, and potential noise disruptions can all contribute to sleep difficulties. However, you can take steps to create a more restful and comfortable sleeping environment in order to ensure that you get the rest you need to fully enjoy your travels. Remember, a well-rested traveler is a happy traveler, ready to take on all the adventures that await.


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